Centre Canin Moulié
Centre Canin Moulié - depuis 1984
Grand parc arboré du centre canin Moulié The Moulié kennel is really as follows :

Freedom, relaxation and pleasure. From 8am - 11am & from 2pm - 6pm they are allowed to run free under supervision in a shady field with trees, enclosed and secure.
Boxes individuel et cour extérieure Box individuel du dortoir commun
Individual kennel covered and closed at night and open run during the day (suitable if a bitch is on heat).
Individual kennel at night in dormitory, next door to other dogs, so they do not lack compagny ; 12noon - 2pm & 7pm - 8am.
Heated in winter.
Boxes individuel des chats La cour de récréation des chats
Individual cages for the cats, heated in the winter and closed at night.
During the day time the cats can come out into the enclosed courtyard.
The cat enclosure is apart from the dog kennels.

Design et réalisation